Tuesday 16 September 2014

Q&A - About me!

1. What were your expectations on starting the course?

My expectations of the course were really high, I'd wanted to further my Makeup career for a long time as I felt I was stuck in a job I didn't particularly care for. In my line of work, which is Education, I am required to fit a certain aesthetic which is a bit tame for my taste. I love colourful makeup and hair, I enjoy being creative with my appearance. I currently attend college and also work at the school, which is actually working out really well as I have the best of both worlds.

2. What are your initial thoughts on West College Scotland and the Media make up course?

My initial thoughts are very positive! I feel all the other students in the class get on really well, and we're all up for a laugh but know when to buckle down and work. The variety of classes are great as well, a good mix of hair, special effects and makeup artistry. The lecturers are also very supportive and pleasant, which is half the battle when attending a college course.

3. What is your funniest moment of college life so far?

One of my classmates has previously done two years of beauty therapy at level 2 and 3. I was asking her about bikini waxing and if she found it awkward to do it at such a young age. Her response actually had me buckled over in laughter, tears streaming down my face which in turn had other girls in the class laughing. It wasn't that what she said was particularly funny content, it was the way she said it that took me off guard and had me in stitches.

4. What is the most interesting thing you have learned or learned how to do so far?

That would probably be learning how to create latex wound prosthetics. I am actually severely allergic to latex which makes working with the material rather difficult. I have to wear two layers of gloves and have all exposed skin covered, not including my face. My classmates and workspace must be kept pristine so that cross contamination does not occur. All the prevention methods pay off though as I really enjoy working with latex!!

5. Who is your make up idol?

I have a few makeup idols, all of them very alternative and 'out there'. My biggest at the moment would be Michael James, who is a big advocate of androgyny. His makeup is ridiculously flawless and creative. You can read more here, where I did a blog post about him.

6. Why do you want to be a MUA?

Since I can remember, Makeup has been an amazing escape and creative outlet for me. I love creating unique looks and applying makeup is extremely therapeutic to me. I suffer from eczema and was always told I could never wear makeup, but that didn't stop me from experimenting and finding cosmetic products that complimented my skin, not make it worse. I want other people with skin conditions who have been told they can't wear cosmetics to realise that if they really do want to wear makeup, they can. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because I am living proof that you CAN with determination!

Image found here

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